Test Screen Reviews



“Another Roger and Me, it’s going to make fu–ing millions!”

– Gerry Arbeid, Performance Guarantees


“An iconic comedy about grief!”

-Toronto Star


“Congratulations Lois, it’s a comedy!”

-Louise Clark, OFDC


“I’m laughing and crying at the same time.”

-Elke Town, Telefilm Canada


“The most bizzare film I’ve ever worked on in twenty years!”

-Robert Fresco, D.O.P


“This is too much hamlet for me”

-Michael Levine, Entertainment Lawyer


“If it’s abuse you want, I’ll give you abuse!”

-Lou Silverstein, Entertainment Lawyer


“Sorry, but this is far to big for a first film”

-Ontario Arts Council


“All I want to know is; where did you get the money?!

-Mel Brooks, Toronto Summer 1991


“We’d like to see ourselves in more of a supporting role”

-Canadian Airlines


“This film is definitely for a mass audience, every mom, dad, brother and sister will want to see it!”

-Jay Switzer, City TV


Congrats!  I watched your film last night.  You will definitely be able to spark some interest with this.  Let me know if you want to talk tomorrow or Wednesday afternoon about next steps.

Hope you had a nice weekend…jfitz

Jon Fitzgerald
Right Angle Studios
Marina del Rey, CA  90292



Hi Lois,

I hope I can help  get your film

to the place it deserves to be….to be seen by millions of people….Talk to you soon.



May 23, 2006

Dear Lois,
It was a magical night, the night of your movie preview.  KJ

This film is going to be big.

Leo Petrus

I cried and laughed and felt surprised throughout the entire film.

People will want to the this film again.

I need to see it again.

Carmen Vertoloma


Very moving.  Not what I expected.

Ted Simon

I love the film.  This is the third time I’ve seen the film.   I love it more each time.  It plays well to an audience, much better on a big screen.

Michael Bockner

Hi Lois,

Watch your doc tonight. It’s great! (my humble opinion) Very engaging and
a definite keeper for MM. Love the sound design and the multi faceted

I of course would have to wait
till any fests get their go with it but I look forward to screening when
my turn comes up.

…The latter is beautifully done, very moving and visually brilliant.
You’ve got something really good there. Way to go!



As programmer for a thirteen year long weekly film series I’m pleased to
endorse TOO MUCH HAMLET FOR ME for completion funds.

I found the story and it’s treatment unique. The story arc is so
unpredictable and the personal nature of Lois’ odyssey so disarming that
I know it will intrigue any audience and spark a lively discussion.

I am looking forward to screening as soon as it is available to me.

Bruce Saunders

Movie Monday Society        www.islandnet.com/mm



I really enjoyed your film because I was able to travel the journey with you having daughters myself. It was poignant, touching and troublesome because of all the problems you endured.  The story I felt was a mother’s story…

Brenda J.

Hi Lois,

Thanks for checking in and thank you so much for sending us your film.

I thought it was an amazing story – very courageous. And, very well done.

But at this time, it’s not something we can collaborate on.

We program a limited number of documentaries a year on HBO and Cinemax, making

the selection process extremely difficult.

I thank you again for sharing the story with us and wish you the best of luck with finding

a home for the film.

All the best,

Sara Bernstein


Dear Sarah:

Thank you…  Once I have “completed” it, are you interested in another look with respect to acquisition?


Hi Lois,

I’m happy to look at completion if you don’t have a broadcaster on board.





Lois I saw the DVD yesterday. I must say that the quality of the images are very good, I expected older or faded colors, it has a nice voice off narration, good interviews too .

Nice extras like ilustration, globe maps, very emotional at first with the storyline between the sisters and of course you. Nice shots from the roads, local barrios and streets from Santiago and down south .

It doest have the classical script structure and at some point showed lots of realistic struggles within the team and the whole goal . Lets say some sponsor were honored and other potential partners were blasted.

I gave the dvd to our general manager I will get back to you with our suggestions in all media, theatrical, video and open TV .

Take care, and good job with the film. Aint too much Hamlet for me.

Bye Andy

Bazuca Films



Dear Ms. Harrison,

I am happy to support your film, “Too Much Hamlet for Me” and hope that this film can be completed and distributed for theatrical release. The film provokes discussion and would be beneficial to show in educational as well as commercial settings… Sincerely,

Dr. Ana Bodnar, Clinical Psychologist


Dear Lois

Thanks for the chance to write about seeing and experiencing your film. It was very moving for me, your personal journey inside, and the journey outside which began as a wacky, frustrating, dysfunctional-group experience that later transformed into something solitary and profound. By the end of the film your inner journey and your outer journey had become one. This is the pure joy and brilliance of documentary, where the outcome can never be predicted, where life is so much greater, richer and deeper than art.

Death and grieving are realties that none of us escape from, and yet somehow we seem so alienated by the experience. I loved how the film bravely embraced these life themes–the anguish, frustration, pure madness and hilarity. It takes a lot of courage to make a film like this so shortly after losing a child—and that courage became a great gift to us all.

The mark of a great film is if I spontaneously think about it a day or two later. It means that the material has resonated in me. Too Much Hamlet For Me did this. What was most surprising however, was my eight-year-old son’s response to the film. I couldn’t find a babysitter and was concerned a feature-length documentary would not engage him. Not only did he sit through it totally rapt, but days later he asked questions about death and grieving. I was amazed that the film could touch a child so young. I think it speaks volumes for the story, how it is told, and how it reaches out to those who see it.


Andrea Gutsche


Hi Lois,

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for the invitation to view your film.

As a seminary student majoring in counselling,  it was very thought provoking.  “Too Much Hamlet for Me” could be described as a therapeutic journey.  I’m not sure, but the film may represent a  unique genre; a “form” of narrative therapy – one which documents a woman’s struggle to become “The Author” of her story.  Reflectively, “Too Much Hamlet for Me” could be representative of humanity’s efforts to move heaven and earth as every human being strives to control, interpret, re-interpret and find “Meaning” in our stories.

In addition, “Too Much Hamlet for Me” may help to diminish some of the isolation people often feel when they experience such a great loss.  Our stories may be unique, but we all struggle to become authors of our stories.


Vicki Nishihama


To: Lois Harrison

Subject: Too Much Hamlet for Me.

I congratulate you on creating a feature documentary that  I found moving and very genuine.

You have made a film with a “heart”, a rare and wonderful achievement.

I saw the film with an audience and noticed that I was not alone in my appreciation.

As a presenter of feature films I have noticed a big change in audience tastes over the past five years.  Personal documentaries are being appreciated as never before.  Your film has potential to be well received in our modern film world.

Stan Fox



Dear Lois,

I just wanted to thank you for giving me  the opportunity to experience  “TOO MUCH HAMLET FOR ME”.

This is an excellent film which deserves to be seen by people around the world.  I laughed with you, cried with you

and felt a strong, uplifting ‘spirit’ by the end of the film. It is not easy to evoke these kinds of emotions from a movie audience

and I wanted to congratulate you for it.

I think this movie should be shown to all families.  As a matter of fact, it

should be included in school curriculum as there are a lot of life lessons to be learned from this documentary.  This movie has

“mass appeal” and I hope it, and you, receive the recognition you so well deserve.

Best regards,

Sam Rosenbaum


My Dear Lois,  I viewed “To Much Hamlet” and was entertained and even more I was moved by the emotion contained in the subject matter.   The Documentary was not the usual moving wall paper that I find in Canadian documentary’s.

After a career of seventy eight feature films and many documentary’s I can only strongly recommend that some organization somewhere will provide the necessary financing to finish “Hamlet” which will in my humble opinion reap profits and prestige.

On this matter I would appreciate a call from you.

Gerry Arbeid.  Executive Vice President of Dream Catcher Entertainment.


Hi Lois,

I got it!

I am pumped!!!!   A gift.  I could relate to so much and after I wanted to talk about it.



Hi Lois,

Thank you again for making the trip over to meet with us. We really enjoyed the film. I spent my weekend recounting clips to friends. One of my favourites is the sleeping bag cheque!

Thank you!




Linda McAteer

VP of Post Production

Post Modern Sound



Too Much Hamlet for Me was a strong emotional experience for me. The room was often filled with laughter and many hearts went out to the screen characters during the film viewing. I was quite excited by the film and told many of my friends about it. I think several were encouraged to consider the twists that life serves up for us and the wonderful liberation to be worked for in the mountains.

Thanks so much for the intimacy and emotional immediacy you offered us in this moving film.


Len Ramsay


September 26, 2006

To Whom It May Concern:

I got an email about a movie called “Too Much Hamlet For Me” in the
summer. I made a point of going to see it as in the past such experiences
have been lifelong memories for me.
I had no idea what it was about. As the movie progressed, I became more
and more involved in Lois’ life experience. The story had a universality to
it that made it relevant to my life experience. I was on that mountain.
I felt very close to her and her family and at the end, felt as if I
had feasted at a banquet-completely satisfied with my experience. I would
recommend this film to every generation. It is a family story, and a
hard-hitting message on how … (sic) can convolute life.

Sincerely, Katherine Jaconello


Hi Lois

During your visit to Toronto, we so enjoyed watching your film

“Too Much Hamlet For Me” a story of triumph over tragedy.

As everything seemed to fall apart, you fell together!

It was poignant, true, gritty and yes, funny.

Everyone should see your movie, it has so much to convey.

I was touched by it.

Hope you’re well and happy…


Michele and Ken Worth


Dear Lois…

I would recommend your film to friends. It was raw and wonderful, and I
would urge you to continue trying to complete the film.

If I can be of further assistance I would be happy to help….. Judy Wells


…we think that you have a golden heart, the Bible says: “Therefore, if
anyone is in Christ, he or she is a new creation; the old has gone, the new
has come”  I think that with the showing of your movie to the public for the
first time, you are starting a new life, it’s like a reconciliation with
life on the earth, and I thank you for not forgetting.  Please,  NEVER GIVE UP
Let’s keep connected.     love,   Gloria B.



Dear Lois,

For your film the issue was space not actual content so be rest assured…

Best wishes,


Daniel J. Cohen
Festival Coordinator
Jerusalem International Film Festival,
July 6-15, 2006
Jerusalem Cinematheque
11 Hebron Road
Jerusalem, Israel


We are still deciding!  You film is in the finals.

Cevin Cathell

Program Director

Santa Barbara International Film Festival

NEW ADDRESS:  1528 Chapala, Ste. 203

Santa Barbara, CA  93101

Dear Lois of the North –

Love your film, but at this point I cannot find any room for it in the schedule. (2 HOUR SLOT NEEDED.) It did make the finals and I hope that you will feel really good about that, as you did beat out about 800 other docs.

I am so sorry, but I wish the best of luck for the future!

Cevin Cathell

Program Director

Santa Barbara International Film Festival

NEW ADDRESS:  1528 Chapala, Ste. 203

Santa Barbara, CA  93101

Dear Lois of the windy North –

What a fabulous website!  Have you had any takers on showing it?  Let me know, I will put it back in the running for next years festival, it came so close to getting in this year.

Take care,


Program Director

Santa Barbara International Film Festival

NEW ADDRESS:  1528 Chapala, Ste. 203

Santa Barbara, CA  93101


Send it to me!!!

I love the sound of it, actually cried reading the website!!

Am looking to show some out of comp docs and features so it may be a fit.

Has it showed elsewhere??

good on ya!!  love to meet you   toni

Toni Powell

Festival Director

Heart of Gold International Film Festival



Don’t change much.

Get it out there.

Steve Sutton


Hi Lois, I really enjoyed screening the film with you. Very emotional and uplifting.

I have reviewed the budget and would like to present some revised numbers… based on what i saw needed to be done and helping where we can. I am concerned about the audio, and I think we can probably shorten this time up with some accommodation from the producer/director. As well, based on timeline I may be able to get some additional help on rates from our audio engineer and others. But lets cross that road when we’re ready.

Give me a call and maybe we can discuss.

Don Thompson
Finalé Editworks


Hi Lois

THis is great

Tell me about the status of the film?

Are you currently shopping it around for Film Festivals?

Are you seeking distribution?

Let me know a little bit more so I can help spread the news

You have our permission to use the following quote.

Please include in the credits

“Quote excerpted from The Writer’s Journey by Christopher Vogler, Published by Michael Wiese Productions,


Thank you and good luck with the film.

We’d love it if you could provide us with a copy of the show

All the best


Ken Lee

Michael Wiese Productions,

6049 37th Avenue NE

Seattle, WA 98115

Hello Lois,

CONGRATULATIONS for your perseverance, your tenacity and your incredible courage and of course your artistic talents.

I want to wish you good luck but at the same time I know that all the ingredients of success are in your film…

Lots of love,

Marcelle Lean

(Chair OMDC; Founder Cinefranco; former member OFRB)


Lois….I love this.  You have no idea how much I am connecting to what you are saying… and some of your perceptions are just stunning!  I’m sure they are distilled truths culled from a very arduous process.   I have a feeling it’s no accident that you reached out to me.  This is going to be very interesting……

—– Original Message —–

From: Ringer-Ross, Doreen

To: Lois

Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2005 3:05 PM

Subject: FW: “I’ll be around. I’ll be there.” The Spinners

Hi Lois, I went ahead and forwarded this to my friend at Warner Chappell and here is what he said back.  Good luck!!!  Happy Holidays.

Hi!  In case you are looking for a way to muster some holiday spirit….here is someone you can bestow a random act of love on.  Please let me know if you think you can help her out.

hey doreen-

i’ve spoke to pat woods, our senior director of licensing, about this….i believe pat will be able to help her out in some way….pat is going to call her.  here’s all her information should anyone need it.

pat woods

happy holidays





Your film touched me because it deals with loss and shows a heart grieving in the open. It is a heroic act to attempt such a thing.

The more I look, the more I see people with their pain and loss. I think life must be really all about how we deal with it. With or losses and the losses of others. I’m still working on both of these things.




It’s a powerful film.  There’s a sadness yet it’s glorious, elevating, elating.  It puts into your heart the things we mortals can do that we don’t think we can do.  It’s what audiences want to take away when they pay money.


Marg Newbigging

Congratulations! You have captured the essence of art.  To tell the truth.

Marc Champion


Best film I’ve seen in ten years.

Genardo Herman

It’s going to make a big splash.

Nano Burgos


The audience loved the film.  Everyone was having their own journey.  It was a personal experience for us.

Eduardo & Debbie

It’s what audiences want to see!

Flavio & Ximena


I’m a businesswoman.  You’ve got to get this film out there where it belongs.  Period.

Vi Jull

French Country


Audiences will love it.

A very spiritual film.

Brilliantly messy spirituality because it’s life.

Andrew Hamilton
Senior Pastor
… small things done with great love will change the world.

PO Box 24, 758 Simcoe Rd, Bradford, ON L3Z 2A7 905-778-0068 www.bradfordalliance.ca

It’s very funny, very serious, very sad.  All at the same time.

People will bring their families.

German Burgos and son Marcelo


last night I watched this wonderful film ………”too much hamlet for me” …..the film touched me deeply, it was neither a film about death, nor drugs…..but rather a film about life and the pain, challenges, triumphs and humor that are part of our human experience…..anyone who takes the time to view ‘too much hamlet for me’ will find a personal message that touches their heart ……as I did

Annette Miller  Follette



Well, well Lois. There is no other film like it!

Russell Floren



I still can’t believe that YOU made this movie………..I have to see it AGAIN in it’s entirety!!

B Bearden, Sidney BC


Dear Lois,

I’ve not been able to stop thinking about your film, and the bigger story.

Your film is gold. A sculpture that just needs some final chipping away to reveal the most noble? version.

I’m almost in agreement with those who’ve said your film is done. It is but… the nugget needs polishing. Pardon obvious metaphor and comment.

Last night, it took quite a while too fall asleep. I couldn’t stop thinking about it…

Jac Andre

Victoria, BC


As I’ve mentioned before, both your work and the project, have the potential to significantly impact audiences.

I welcome the opportunity to participate.

Take good care, and have a good rest of the evening.


Retired Filmmaker/Film Professor Your University

Web Based Entrepreneur


“It took of courage and tenacity to pursue this project and you are to be commended!”


“A work to tackle grief and to come out wiser and more loving, that is priceless – the technical details are not relevant to me. Lois, you are a very brave and fascinating person. The film was to me, about pushing limits, just as Lesley did in her life. Congratulations to you both and thank you. I teared up more than once.”


“Just had to work with what you have. Good save in the last ¾ of film, the tin cups work! Brave and honest to demonstrate the conflict scenes. Jaws scene was great.”


“Refreshingly different!! A Discovery.”


“I don’t tend to watch many documentaries. I found this one has many stories involved which makes it gripping and close to the heart. I think it is very important to recognize how the stories unfold – what was to be is not always (cycling expedition/family life personal) what it becomes (overcoming all adds to complete the ascent/losing a child early). Very brave and uplifting.”


“Profoundly moving. Your perseverance is an inspiration to everyone!”


“Blessings to you Lois.”


“I thoroughly enjoyed, laughed and cried throughout this movie. You are a courageous and determined woman and mom!! This movie could touch practically ANYONE to human condition of loss and determination and courage to carry on.”


“I find it difficult to rate it as it is like nothing I’ve ever seen! Would like to see the more crystal version of footage. Deeply touching! Well done!”


“Hilarious, honest and touching.”


“I love the end running script about the Inca’s and Lesley’s poem.”


“An amazing journey of triumph over grief. The story truly is in the journey. Well done Lois, Lesley and Suzanne – you still are a team. Thank you!”


“Good combination of a serious message as well as humor.”


“Congrats Lois keep up the good work. PS. Awesome Lois thanks for the glimpse into your life and Suzanne’s.” LM


“I admire your commitment and tenacity, the sense of humor evident in a time of testing was very strong and poignant. Keep it up it is worthwhile, touching and real.”


“Great heart and humor. Tin cup scene great.”


“Star scene is amazing!” – R


“Wonderful, beautiful scenery beaches the water so serene, the sand rocks etc. Great team of cyclists. The rocky hills. Lots of happiness. The love you feel for your family reminds me how important it is to be around as long I can for my family. I didn’t realize how hard a death in the family could be. Very comical, Lois was great. Very dramatic with the medical emergency and picture of the stars. Thank you Lois!! Take care. Sorry to hear about your daughter Lesley. It gives me inspiration to not give up on my life.” C.C


“I was mesmerized by the sequence with the stars and the wandering truck. Very powerful.”


“I especially liked the humorous tone of the narrator.”


“What’s Next?”

Marco Vera Arroyo

~ ~ ~